Robot Gets Hooked On Twitter

If you think Twitter’s eating too much of your time, The Guardian Robot can help you out.


I don’t have to tell you how disruptive social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace can be to your daily lives.


twitter robot

It’s fun connecting with people – to follow and be followed, to tweet, retweet … until you realize those little messages are clogging not only your screen but also your time. Not all messages are worthy of your attention, so it would be nice to have someone (or something) prompt you only on those that might interest you.


Think of it as having a personal secretary specifically for Twitter alone. If you think it’s an easy job, then probably you don’t have too many friends on your account – I’m actually not too sure if that’s good or bad thing. 


Basically, the Guardian Robot will raise its hand to ask for a high five when it receives what it considers a happy tweet. It will only lower its hand once you give it a high five by pressing a switch on the raised hand. The moment you do this, the robot will send an appropriate reply to the tweet sender. 


Now, if the robot perceives a received tweet to be sad, it will lower its head, returning to its normal position only after you’ve given it a hug. Once again, this hug will be translated into a message and sent back to the tweet source. 


This isn’t the first time we featured a social networking – inclined machine. Late last month, we talked about Cybraphon, the one-machine band that played music depending on the messages it received through a Facebook or MySpace account.


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