Why Next Generation Roomba Should Have An Arm


Roomba’s self docking maneuver to its Homebase keeps you free from having to remember when it’s time for a recharge. But think of the benefits if it didn’t need the Homebase anymore.

Intel’s Marvin has achieved proof of concept status by demonstrating how it could find a wall outlet, position its three-pronged plug correctly, and push it into the holes. Skeptics will be quick to point out that the video below doesn’t really show whether Marvin actually achieved its goal. If it didn’t, further refinements on it would be all the robot would need.

Apparently, the robot could sense the electric field emanating from the socket.

Intel MarvinThat said, if the Roomba had a similar feature, it wouldn’t have to rely on its Homebase to get some electricity snack. It would simply find the nearest outlet and plug itself in. Homebases occupy spaces that are practically useless most of the time. 

Of course, having an arm or any similar extendable contraption for plugging itself may require the Roomba to carry more payload and hence to have more power. 


1 Comment
  1. Thinking of buying a Roomba, but from the comments, sounds like I should be a mechanic. I do not want to have to work on my vacuum. I have not seen yet where the dirt is collected or how to empty. How much dirt can the vacuum hold. If it is just a small filter, that could get very expensive. Tell me where I can find out more and what has been done to eliminate the mechanic part of it.

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